Everyone has different tastes! Case in point.. When I was trying to finalize a color for the secretary desk I asked over and over and over "what color"???? I didn't get that many responses. The one thing that did work was a text blast to people whose opinion I trust. I mean, these chics (and my dad) have great taste! I included two pictures in my text blast... Similar secretaries, but one was grey, the other black.
Of course I got mixed responses! Ugh!! Overall, though, there was one that won by popularity. And so it was that my secretary desk was painted gray! And he's just beautiful! Now if I could just stop getting asked what color I'm gonna paint it!
The finished secretary desk can be seen here :)
Haha!! I painted in milk paint, which gives a naturally worn look. So it kinda looks like it "needs" paint, but it's totally beautiful to me.
And now I've got a dresser sitting in the shed waiting on that infamous question yet again....what color do I paint it?? I don't always paint. Well....lately I do because its so rare that I find a piece that DOESN'T need work! When we have to repair using new pieces of wood or wood filler then it usually has to be painted.
I LOVE this chest of drawers! I am certain I will be leaving the top it's dark wood color.
But for her body and drawers, I'm thinking a navy blue, like Miss Mustard Seed's Artissimo
Or possibly French enamel or linen?
I would absolutely LOVE to paint it another milk paint color. And I'm dying to know your thoughts on it!!!
I feel another text blast coming on very soon!! If I say purty please will y'all let me know your thoughts on a color for this gen?
Purty please???
I don't know that I would paint it. It is gorgeous to me as it is but if i had to choose i would paint every thing but the drawers. Add cute crystal knobs. I would pick something soft and feminine. Something perfect for a little girls room or a nursery.